Twin Roles

It's a cold winter night and I was alone at home. I've been thinking about the lady with whom I chatted on internet this evening. It's making me really hot. If my guess is right, she is not satisfied with her sexual life and needs more fun. That's been my observation. Well, I might have to continue chatting with her for some more time before I confirm my opinion. My mind has already started yearning for her!

I've been living in Nagpur and seen several married ladies in malls and other crowded places. Lot of them doesn't have charm in their face. Their faces look life less and their eyes show their desires. They don't look to be having a happy married life. I'm sure most of the women who are in their 30s and are married for more than 5 years would have had a husband who is not interested in sex anymore.

They would be in the right age for having a lot of sex and body needs it at that age, but by then their husbands would be closer to 40s and would show no interest in sex. Who knows if she is not one of them? Her name is Bhavana. She told, she is 32/f/Bangalore n married for last 6 years. I'm hoping that she would be in that category. The way she spoke, she looks decent but deep inside she seems to have urge for more than marital relationship.

I'm waiting for tomorrow 6 PM to come fast so that I can catch her online again. I need to tell a bit about me. I'm a different kind of a person. I never had woman on bed because I have wanted a woman who can whole heatedly submit herself to me. I'm not those who would be drooling looking at beautiful women. I always admired beautiful women but never thought of having them on my bed everytime I see them.

I really want to treat beauty with a sense of respect and all I want to do to a beautiful woman is to please her. Please her in whatever way she can feels respected. Please her in way she gets utmost satisfaction of having sensual pleasure. Please her such that her soul feels happy and when a woman's soul is happy that's when she looks the most beautiful!

Next day:
The time has come – This has been the moment I've been waiting for! I logged on to chat at 5:30 PM itself. I was waiting for her to come online. She was online at 6:15 PM. She promptly apologized for being late by 15min. I just pretended as if I also logged in 6:10 PM only. Well, I know I can wait for even longer, but just didn't want to show it up right away. She is a married woman, she may not take it in the sense and so I kept my composure.

After some casual chat, she started telling about herself. She apparently was working before marriage in some IT company, but after marriage she stopped working. She said she was very happy when she was working because she was working as a client relationship officer and was meeting so many people each day. We talked about a lot of topics – movies, cricket, sports, philosophy, and spirituality.

I was amazed with her knowledge on different topics. She seems to have strong opinions on all subjects and seem to strong women. She knows what she wants in life and has rational thinking towards life. It was already 9 PM. I was itching to bring love and relationships into our discussions but feeling a bit hesitant. I kept on voicing my opinion about lot of subjects and she started liking most of opinions.

She told she never come across a person who has such clarity in thought and appreciated my opinions. I felt a bit proud, but at the same time I know that I've been very honest in whatever I told her. Well, I don't know whether she read my mind or something like that. She asked me about my love life and relationships. I said I never had a girl friend or any such relationship. She was amazed to see a sensible and intelligent person like me not having a relationship so far.

I said what I look for in a woman and how much respect I have for woman. She told any lady would be lucky to have me as her partner. I felt good about it. I hesitantly asked about her relationship. She said she never shared her personal things with anyone on internet but after chatting with me for such a long time she felt like sharing her feeling with me. I was happy inside. She started telling her story.

She was having a boy friend in college but he died in an accident. Later she took like 3-4 years to come out of it and because her parents insisted she got married. She says she has no complaints about her current relationship, but, she stopped there. I wanted to know whether my initial assessment was correct. I was dieing to know, but at the same time kept my composure so that I give her time to open up.

She slowly started telling me that she doesn't have a passionate relationship with her husband. He is a disciplined guy, and wants to have things in order and is more interested in growing his business and earning lot of money. He doesn't seem to be spending enough time with her. That's why she said she is spending lot of time on internet and searching for a true friend with whom she can share her feelings.

It was already 11 PM and we said good night to each other and thought of catching up again next day 6 PM. This continued for about a week. More and more she was getting attracted towards me. We at times had some intimate talks. We talking about porn movies and surprisingly she was a bold woman and has a lot of sexual drive. I was dying to see her picture. I share my picture and she said I looked good. She said she like a man who are in good shape and that’s exactly how my shape is. Later she shared her picture. I was stunned! She looks absolutely marvelous.

She was 5'4", not so slim and not so plump. Right amount of flesh and by the looks I can make she had a soft curvaceous body. I told her, I'm flattered. She was indeed the beauty that I can do anything for! She has the beauty that I want to please. I started admiring her beauty and decided that I can do anything for her. A few days continued on chat by which we became very good friends. She started admiring lot of qualities in me and she said she was always attracted towards intelligent and sensible men and I was dying for her.

I developed a lot of love, respect and desire for her. However I was waiting for the right opportunity to express my love and desire for her. For that matter, it didn't matter to me whether I tell her or not. Irrespective, I knew that my feeling for her doesn't change. I was sure that she also liked me and developed a kind of intimacy with me. She at times shared very close things and said she feels comfortable in sharing anything with me.

She in fact started all things through messenger emoticons. She started sending kisses, hugs etc. I still maintained my composure so that I don't loose her for any of silly matters. By now I know that she has a lot of respect for me and also developed some desire for me. One fine day, I got the opportunity that I was looking for. She was so upset with her husband and shared the real fact with me.

She indeed was not happy with sex life they had and on that particular day she was so upset because he left from intercourse in the middle for urgent business matter. I said, I can understand how it would if someone leaves it in the middle. Then she said, “How do you know? You don't even have a girl friend? I was a bit caught, but then covered it up saying one doesn't have to experience it to imagine the situation. I started continuing on that topic and asked her what she liked in sex and what she was looking for.

Me: Well Bhavu (I started calling her like that and she said she liked to be called that way) then what are you looking for in sex?

She: Everything, everything that a man can give to a woman
Me: I'm not clear, can you be specific?
(By now we developed such a good rapport, I know she won't mind in talking such matters)
She: Well, for example, if I'm in a mood to be treated like a princess, then I wants him to teat me like a princess

Me: Well, I never met a princess , howz a princess treated?
She: Here you go, you are chatting with a princess right now
Me: Well, then princess, tell me what princess like to have from this servant today?
She: Well, today my hands are paining
Me: Okay princess I will press your hands for you to get some relaxation

She: You have to press hard but at the same time are gentle – don't show power of your muscles :
Me: Okay princess I'm pressing
She: Hmm. that feels so good you are good at it dear
Me: What else this servant can do for you princess?
She: Well, my legs are also paining.

Me: I'll be at it princess (Now, I'm pressing your legs
She: That feels so goo dear continue, a little harder!
Me: Shall I press your thighs also princess?
She: Oh yeah
Me: (Pressing)

She: Hey hold on don't come up, stay there.
Me: What? (In fact, I was surprised that she got such a thought)
She: U silly, I asked u to stop there why are you still coming up?
Me: What? I didn't understand (I was a bit confused)
She: As if you have not seen any woman's private part in your life why are you coming up close to my treasure?

Now I realized that she is playing with me. I wanted to continue this
Me: Well princess I never saw a woman's private part
She: I don't believe it.
Me: No princess! (Hey Bhavu, in fact that is true)
She: Hey Mic, let's stop this princess servant game tell me seriously, you have not seen a private part at all? I can't believe!

Me: Why not, I never had a woman in my life, and so I never seen any one's parts live!
She: What do you mean by "live"?
Me: well, not in real world, but I've seen many in movies
She: Do you like porn movies?
Me: Oh! I love them
She: me too

I was taken by for a surprise now couldn't imagine such a beautiful lady is also keen on watching porn movies.
Me: What's the need, you are married and why do you still need to watch porn movies?
She: Why not, they are really good I get a lot of fantasies fulfilled through them
Me: wow! That's interesting. So, why can't you fulfill them with your husband?

She: You don't understand, leave it.
Me: Why not? I can understand.
She: You can, but my husband can't. He doesn't have that much time.
Me: Well, then you can satisfy them with me!
She: ((She was silent for a minute that's when I realized I spoke something wrong!))

Me: Hey, sorry! I was just casually asking sorry if that hurt you!
She: Not at all dear! In fact, I'm seriously giving it a thought!
Me: What?
She: Well you said u've never seen a woman's private parts right? I was thinking, probably I should give you the chance to see it!
I couldn't believe she just said that!

Me: If I see the treasure! It would be greatest day of my life!
She: What would you do with it?
Me: Well I'll kiss you on your lips
She: When I'm taking about showing my treasure, you are talking about kissing on lips?
Me: Well, I meant vertical lips!

She gave some gap, I guess she took some time to realize what I was talking about
She: Hmm, that's a nice one! I'm feeling like having it now
Me: Well, you don't get it that easily you got to wait for it. We both we very hot by now, I know she must have been really wet by now!
She: Wait for what?

Me: Wait for your juices to come out of your beautiful pussy! (Like you have them right now)
She: What? How do you know I'm already wet?
Me: I can imagine dear, I don't how I'm resisting, but I really feel like coming to your place right now and get my treasure!

She: What will you do if you come to my place now?
Me: Well, the first thing that I wanted to do to any woman was to to touch her vertical lips and sip the honey drops from it. First touch! Right there!! I'll do the same with you!
She: Che Che, that's too much. I can't imagine how much strong sexual drive you have! You seem to have more than me!

Me: That's what I'm! That's just a starter only lot of items on the main course
She: Mic, I really need you. I wish you were in my bed now.
Me: Bhavu, do you really want to meet me?
She: Yes, of course dear! I'm waiting for you.
That day we decide to meet each other. It was the moment that I was looking for! It is the moment that I dreamt of through out my life!

And that too, this opportunity with such a beautiful woman – what more can I ask for?
Bhavana's Narration: (Author: I'm trying to give different perspectives to the story. The story would be narrated by both the characters. From here on the story would be narrated by Bhavana's character) I can't imagine what I chatted with Mic on that day. I was really going wild during that chat.

I was really frustrated with the behavior of my husband that day, and after that such a chat with Mic I felt really good. I know he is a sensible person, but did I stretch it too far? I've been thinking about it since last two days. I'm really going crazy. I think this is the kind of opportunity that I can get once in a life time. I don't think I can get a person like Mic never ever in my life. I'm in fact dying to meet him.

Somehow, the culture I was brought up is holding a bit - but only a bit because none of these culture or social customs matter to me as much as leading a happy life. I'm quite a rational person. I don't think what I'm doing is quite wrong. I keep fantasizing about the well shaped men in those porn movies when having sex with my husband. I'm in fact doing metal prostitution with my husband.

Instead, if I have a relationship with Mic I could satisfy my desires and I can be honest with my husband when I'm with him on bed. I thought having relationship with Mic would be much better than the current state of mind that I am in. After thinking for last two days, I left a message to Mic that we can meet on this Sunday. In fact my husband is going abroad for a couple of weeks on some business purpose.

Sunday: The day has come. I've been waiting for this occasion for last two days. It felt as if I was waiting for last two years. I woke up this morning and nicely shaved my private parts. During our discussions some time back Mic once mentioned that he likes women who can keep themselves clean and fit. I indeed keep myself clean and today I wanted it to be even more special.

Yesterday I went to beauty parlor and had full body waxing done. I know Mic like the soft nature of my body and with waxing it's even smoother. He said he will come in the evening. It's evening, I called up on his mobile and he said he will be in my house in half an hour! I can't wait for this half an hour. I tried to be normal but heart started beating heavily. I know I'm a bold woman but this is the first time I'm meeting someone other than my husband.

I kept on thinking, how will he proceed? Does he hold me, hug me and kiss me? Or does he directly ask for kissing my vertical lips like he said in the chat? Oh, that thought it is making me hot. In fact my pussy is completely wet! I've been thinking about him since morning. In the afternoon I cleaned it up once but still since I've been thinking about him for last 2-3 hours it's completely wet again. Should I clean it up again?

I don't know again, he is a sensible person, he would have told to kiss there while on chat, but in reality he may not do that? How can he directly go there? Lot of thoughts, I can't stop thinking about it. Oh! What's happening to me? I looked at the clock. It's only 10 minutes gone. Still 20 more minutes, I guess I'll go mad with all these thoughts if I just sit and keep thinking about him. So I got and started walking in the house. I went into bed room.

This afternoon only I changed sheets and decorated the room with my favorite things. I switched on AC thinking that we may directly go to bed room. Or am I looking forward to getting into bedroom as soon as he comes? It looks like I lost control on my senses. All I can think is to get into his arms and immediately on to bed. Oh! What has he done to me? I've become so shameless!

I wanted to make the bedroom more special. I remembered that there was a perfume that my husband brought from France. It is suppose to intensify sexual desires in both men and women. With my husband I never used it. Such an occasion never came. I hope at least now it will be useful. I sprayed the perfume in the bedroom.

It's really nice. If I started feeling my desires in my wet pussy! Not sure if it's because of the perfume or it's because I'm getting close to seeing him. I again came back to living room, looked at the clock. Still 7 more minutes! I was cursing Mic for making it so late. I just can't bare this silence and separation any more! I want him! I want to fuck him! I want him to fuck me hard! I'm craving for it.

(Author: From here onwards the story is going to use more erotic words. Those who doesn't like them, hope you can understand the context and bear with the language)

I've seen lot of porn movies. My favorite is couple sex movies in which fit guys please girls. Really those big cocks! Wow! I can't imagine how it would be to feel such cocks in my hand, mouth, cunt and ass! Feels like I want such cock in all my holes. Mic also is a fit person. I hope his cock is also similar to those of big men in the movies. Normally Indians may not have such a large cocks but still size doesn't matter to me.

I looked at the clock again still 3 more minutes. I really started cursing Mic for not being on time. I know he still has 3 mores minutes to be on time, but I couldn't bare the distance. Some sound out side! Looks like a car is being parked! I really got stiff. My hands were holding tight. I can clearly hear my heart beat! I'm going to meet my beloved Mic – my love, my desire, my fantasy, my master! I really want to be submissive to him.

I want him so much! Tring Tring door bell rang! I got up from couch and started moving towards door. I can feel the tension in the air. I can hear my heart beat clearly. I opened the door. There was the man with flowers in his hands. Mic! My love! I thought to my self. I kept on starting at him. He was in jeans and tight t-shirt. Hello, He said waving his hand on my face! I still kept on staring at him! I'm really impressed with his body more than what I've seen in my picture. Then I came to this world and said Hi!

Mic: What madam you are lost or what? Am I at the right place?
Me: Yes dear you are
Mic: Good! The way you are looking at me, I thought I landed up in a different address (looked around the house)
Mic: Nice house Bhavu. I really like the way u put up things

Me: Hey, thanks! (Now, I started loosening up a bit.It's not like he is directly going to come between my legs, so I started feeling better)
Mic: Do you mind bringing me some water please?
Me: Oh, I'm sorry! I'm completely lost. I'm happy to see you here, so I guess I'm at bit tensed now.
Mic: Cool it Bhavu, I'm not a stranger you know me more than anyone else.

That's actually true. We share so many things on chat that he also knows more about me than many of my close friends. I started feeling better now and my body started behaving normal. But I can still feel the wetness between my legs. I'm in a sky blue georgette sareei. I know it's his favorite color and softness of the saree and my body is going to turn him on. I looked at his pant. I can see the bulge.

I know he must also have been thinking about it since morning. Poor little fellow. I will give you nice treatment today, I thought to myself looking at his bulge. I'm actually becoming more and more desperate. I just couldn't keep my thoughts away from him for a second. All the while I was preparing some juice for him but my thoughts were all over. I just turned around from kitchen, almost hit him but he stepped back.

Hey careful" he said. I didn't realize he also came behind me into kitchen. I said, take the juice. He took the glass from me. I was hoping that his finger would touch me while taking the glass, but he didn't do it. He carefully made sure his fingers didn't touch mine. I was thinking, "is he up to touching my vertical lips first?" I just can't get that feeling out of my mind! Am I mad? I thought to myself.

We moved slowly back to living room. He started talking casually like he always does in chat. I don't know I kept on replying him but my thoughts were all around how he is going to proceed. I was waiting for him to proceed. By now my panty is already wet, and some more juices might flow on to my thighs if he continues this for some more time. I guess he realized my feelings. He slowly came towards me and said in my ear with low voice:

Bhavu, shall we start? I was waiting for those words and slowly nodded my head. I wall full of shy. I'm feeling as if it was my first night. I know I'm a practical person and seen so many men moved with me closely. But when it comes to the real intimate matter, he is the only one I'm seeing other than my husband. So, whatever I did, I couldn't control and my head was looking at floor.

Come on, this is not what I expected from you!
What? I looked at him. He was leaning on to a wall and talking to me.
Well, why are you feeling shy dear? I'm not new to you! I'm your Mic"
Hey, sorry I'm somehow a bit tensed
Don't worry dear! I can understand, So, shall we start?"

I just lifted my hand and pointed towards bed room. I was in fact in a hurry to get into the bed room. He slow started walking towards bedroom. I followed him and as soon as we entered bedroom he said, "Do you remember what we discussed in chat? What? I pretended as if I don't know what he is talking about. I didn't expect this. In some corner of my mind I thought he would do it, but never expected that he would remember and ask me straight away!

About my first touch!
What I didn't get you
I still pretended, Come on dear! I told you, right? The first touch between us would be between our lips, what? I mean your vertical with my horizontal, Oh! He did it! He asked me for what from inside of my heart I always wanted!

Come on Mic, you don't have to do it, No way! That's my pleasure. It's my dream of life time"
Now I know, he is going to do it at any cost. I simply nodded. Our eyes talked to each other I smiled at him. He knows how I'm going to like it. He smiled at me. We have some a close relationship that we don't need any more words. I simply sat on the bed. He asked me to lay down.

I lay down. My heart started pumping! I can see my boobs rising up and down with my heart beat. I didn't stop looking at my eyes. I continued to look into his eyes. His smiling lips hhhmm. I just wanted to kiss them! But I can't! His lips have to touch my lower lips first! Ohh by now my panty is all wet. I'm feeling a bit shy to show him my pussy and get kissed there right away. But I know he will not leave me without that.

I slowly lifted my saree up to thighs. He was staring at my thighs. I know he was impressed with them. I guess he is resisting himself to touch them. I can see it in his eyes. I was slowly getting into the mood. My nervousness disappeared. I wanted to play with him now. I then said, I can't do it anymore you do whatever you want to. He realized that I'm trying to tease him. He slowly touched the saree and lifted it further.

Now he can see the bulge of my love triangle beneath my panty. He was just staring at it. He breathe has become harder. I can imagine how it would be for him to see live pussy for the first time. Poor Mic, he can only see it but can't do anything at this point. He wanted it! I can't help it, I said to myself. His eyes were telling me how much he liked it. He asked me to remove my panty.

I said "No, it's you who didn't want to touch me. You do whatever you want! Bhavu, please, I don't want to touch any other part. Well, then do whatever you want, I'm not stopping you!"
He realized that I'm teasing him. He slowly held the strings of my panty and stated pulling it down. Since I was lying down only front portion came down a little. I need to lift my hips for him to pull it down completely. I was smiling at him.

He looked into my eyes. I know he was asking me "please”. I was still smiling. He slowly started pulling to string on my sides. I could feel his breath on my thighs. I couldn't resist. Some more drops of juices came out of my pussy! I wanted to tease him more, but I also can't wait for long! So slowly I lifted my ass. He at once pulled the sting down and my panty was down to my knees! Wow!

He could see my pussy! I'm lying in front of a man other than my husband. He is holding my panty close to my knees and staring at my pussy and I'm enjoying it. This thought itself ran into my nerves and I got a shivering. Someone else other than my husband is staring at my treasure! He didn't leave his eye contact with my pussy and slowly moving down my panty further down from my knees.

I started cooperating with him without teasing him much. All the while he was very carefully making sure none of his body is touching my body. He slowly removed the panty out of my legs and took it into his arms. He could feel my wetness. I guess he liked the smell of my juices. He slowly moved the panty close to him and put his nose into it and took a strong breath! I can see the happiness in his eyes!

Oh! What else can I ask for! Such strong man, whom I badly wanted, is sniffing my panties with so much desire. That time only I decided "Mic, I'm going to be yours forever. You are my master and I'm your slave. Pleasing you is my happiness in the world". He continued sniffing and looked at me with a witty smile. I smiled back. My eyes were filled with desire and without my knowledge I started biting my lower lip.

I guess that expression in my face turned him really hot! He also licked the panty and raised his hand showing "thumbs up" symbol! I think he liked the taste and smell of my juices. I was almost ready to beg him to come and hug me! I couldn't bear the separation any more. As if he heard my mind, he slowly bent down and started coming closer to my pussy. Unknowingly my legs started separating. He slowly moved between my legs.

I could see that he is now positioned himself between my legs. He asked me to split my legs further. I obeyed my master's command. I spread my legs as far as I could. I know it gives him the complete visibility of my pussy. I wanted him to enjoy the view fully. After all it is his fist live pussy. I could feel the scent of my juices in the air. I guess white strings of my juices were across the pussy lips.

I could imagine the view he is enjoying. Fully wet pink pussy with juices oozing out and really hot! He slowly moved his face towards my thighs. I could feel his breath on my thighs. I wanted him to move quickly and play with my pussy. He doesn't seem to be in any hurry. He is doing everything slowly. It's really killing me. I just wanted this moment to get over. Later I will tease him to the hell.

He is teasing me so much with his actions. I'm getting ready to beg! Please! Is what I could utter. He understood my urgency. Still kept his calm and slowly moved his nose all over my thighs as if he is sniffing my body odor. I said, "Please Mic, I can't wait any more". I just wanted to pull his head and shove it in between my thighs. I'm trying hard to resist the temptation. Now he came closer to my pussy.

I know he is staring at it as if he is surveying every inch of it. My clean shaven pussy oozing out more juices! I could feel one drop of my juices slowly running down towards my ass. I just couldn't bear it any more. "Mic pleases" I said again. I lifted my face to see his face. At the same time he also lifted his face. Our eyes contacted each other. I slowly put his lips in round shape and threw a kiss to me. I also reply and said "Please do it your treasure is waiting.

He smiled and bent his face! Oh! That's the moment I've been waiting. His lips moved closer to my lips! His breathe is touching my inner thighs. I yearned for it more and separated my legs even more. He slowly moved forward and I can feel his breathe on my clit. Oh! God! That's my first orgasm! A wave of shivers traversed through my spine and I could feel the tremors on my body.

That's it. It finally happened! He planted his fist kiss on my vertical lips! The first touch!
Ohhhh, sound came from my mouth. It was almost a scream! I couldn't breathe for a while. His mustache was softly brushing my clit. And he with so much vigor he sucked and sipped my juices from my pussy! I felt as if he is squeezing life of out of me. He continued sucking and the kiss continued.

I don't know how long it was. I felt as if the time stopped and I want world to end like this. He continued his sucking and the kiss continued. He was taking deep breathes which were hitting my clit hard and now his breathe slowly softened. I guess he got more used to the space and made he comfortable there.

I slowly brought my legs closer and landed them on his shoulders. I could feel the strength of his shoulders and my soft thighs were pressing against his ears. I crossed my legs asking him to come closer into my thighs. He slowly moved his hinds on to the sides of my hips and started pressing them. Wow! Now the action begins! However the first kiss still continues!

He didn't lift his face from the pussy. I guess he doesn't even have any intentions of moving out from there. I guess he will completely suck me dry and then only going to leave. He slowly moved his tongue forward. Hmmmmmm moans started coming out of my mouth and I had my second orgasm!

He quickly reacted and closed my pussy hole with his mouth and was waiting to clean up all my juices. As the juices came out of my pussy he sucked them and started swallowing. I could hear the sounds of his gulps. I guess he liked the taste of my juices. I don't know how long he wants to continue this action. I just laid my head on pillow and started enjoying the action.

His tongue was dancing all over my pussy and my clit was pressed hard by his upper lips. It just felt like heaven. I just wanted this movement to stay like this and time to stop here! That movement I decided that I'm never going to leave this happiness no matter what happens to my husband or my life. I just want this pleasure throughout my life! Well friends this is all for now

I would be updating this in my next story which would be arriving shortly so till then just enjoy other stories here and be happy with what you got and this is to remind all the female readers that m still a virgin and to desperate to loose my V factor.


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